2023 and beyond
Due to the ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine, cooperation remained frozen for the rest of the project; the following publications are only those of the Viennese team.
Conference presentations and talks:
- Bradley, Jeremy. Non-finite verbal forms in the Volga-Kama region: some avenues of investigation. Uralic Information Centre talk series, 22 February 2023.
- Bradley, Jeremy. The making of affixes: morphologization of function words in Mari. 47. Österreichische Linguistiktagung (ÖLT), Graz, 10 December 2023.
- Bradley, Jeremy. The making of affixes: morphologization of function words in Mari. Affixes Symposium, Turku, 18 August 2023.
- Hirvonen, Johannes. Contact-induced change of Negative Indefinites – the case of Meadow Mari. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL26) Heidelberg, September 2023.
- Hirvonen, Johannes. Topics in Meadow Mari Information Structure. Uralic Information Centre talk series, 25 October 2023.
- Hirvonen, Johannes. Negative Indefinites in Contact – Evidence from Uralic. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Finno-Ugric research colloquium, Munich, 6 November 2023.
- Bradley, Jeremy & Nikolett F. Gulyás 2023. Between East and West: Hungarian and the Volga-Kama Sprachbund. Hungarian Studies 31, 123–139. doi.org/10.1556/044.2023.00233
- Bradley, Jeremy 2023. Non cogito, ergo non sum: Existenz jenseits 3.PRS.IND im Uralischen. Finnisch - Ugrische Mitteilungen. 47. 25–51. 978-3-96769-407-9.
- Bradley, Jeremy 2024. Mari Function words on the border of syntax and morphology. TBD.
- Moisio, Arto, Sirkka Saarinen 2023. Tscheremissisches Wörterbuch [Online version by Jeremy Bradley]. Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae XXXII. Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura. doi.org/10.33341/sus.877
- Hirvonen, Johannes & Jeremy Bradley 2024. Negative Concord in Mari. In: Gréte Dalmi, Jacek Witkoś & Piotr Cegłowski (eds). Strict Negative Concord in Slavic and Finno-Ugric. Structure, Licensing, and Locality Conditions for Negative Expressions. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 978-3-1107-5479-7.
- Pischlöger, Christian 2024. “I am a Beserman”: Promoting a new language on Russia’s most popular social media VKontakte. In: M. M. Muñoz, S. Bober, & C. Willis (eds). Minority Language Media: Current Challenges in a Fragmented Mediascape. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pischlöger, Christian & Екатарина Жданова 2024. Влияние финно-угорских языков на русские говоры Удмуртии: опыт корпусного исследования. Linguistica Uralica 60.
Due to Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, cooperation between our project teams in Vienna and Moscow was not carried on in this year; the following publications are only those of the Viennese team.
Conference presentations and talks:
- Bradley, Jeremy. Digital infrastructures for low-resource languages: The case of Uralic. Recent Advances in Digital Philology, 7 December 2022.
- Bradley, Jeremy. Contact linguistics and the Volga-Kama Region. ELTE University Budapest, 1 December 2022.
- Bradley, Jeremy & Nikolett F. Gulyás. Valence changing strategies in the Volga-Kama linguistic area. Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (CIFU), August 2022.
- Bradley, Jeremy & Trond Trosterud. Language technology for Uralic languages. Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (CIFU), August 2022.
- Hirvonen, Johannes. Negative indefinites without overt licensing in a Strict Negative Concord language, Meadow Mari. Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (CIFU), August 2022.
- Bradley, Jeremy, Gerson Klumpp & Helle Metslang 2022. TAM and evidentials. In: Marianne Bakró-Nagy, Johanna Laakso & Elena Skribnik (eds). The Oxford Guide to the Uralic Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 978-0-1910-8028-9. 904–923. doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198767664.003.0046
- Bradley, Jeremy & Johannes Hirvonen 2022. Null subjects in Mari. In: Gréte Dalmi, Egor Tsedryk & Piotr Cegłowski (eds). Null Subjects in Slavic and Finno-Ugric. Structure, licensing and typology. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 978-1-5015-2022-8. 281–306. doi.org/10.1515/9781501513848-010
- Bradley, Jeremy & Jorma Luutonen 2022. Mari. In: Daniel Abondolo & Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi (eds). The Uralic Languages [Second Edition]. 978-1-1386-5084-8. 527–575. doi.org/10.4324/9781315625096
- Bradley, Jeremy, Nikolett F. Gulyás & András Czentnár 2022. Causatives in the languages of the Volga-Kama Region. Language typology and universals = Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (STUF) 75. 99–128. doi.org/10.1515/stuf-2022-1050
- Hammer, Luan & Jeremy Bradley 2022. Mari morpheme order revisited: A corpus-based analysis. Nordlyd: Tromsø University working papers on language & linguistics 46. 59–74. doi.org/10.7557/12.6373
- Hirvonen, Johannes 2022. Nullsubjekte im Livischen. In: Jeremy Bradley (ed). Tonavan Laakso: Eine Festschrift für Johanna Laakso. Central European Uralic Studies 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-7069-1159-7. 180–197.
- Pischlöger, Christian 2022. Заимствование русских глаголов в языки Поволжья. Актуальные проблемы удмуртоведения в контексте компаративистики, контактологии и типологии языков, литератур и фольклора. Izhevsk: Удмуртский университет. 291–297.
- Pischlöger, Christian 2022. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Sprachwissenschaft für das Leben von Minderheitensprachen: Die „Wieso-Sprache“ Besermanisch. In: Jeremy Bradley (ed). Tonavan Laakso: Eine Festschrift für Johanna Laakso. Central European Uralic Studies 2. Vienna: Praesens Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-7069-1159-7. 348–381.
2021 & Workshop "Linguistic diversity in the Volga Language Union. Typology of grammatical phenomena and language contacts" (18-20 March 2022)
The main goal of the workshop is to discuss the research carried out within the framework of the project LIDIVOKA. The project is being implemented by teams of scientists from Austria and Russia; it is necessary to comprehensively discuss the most recent current results and the creation of a joint database. A specialized section dedicated to the genitive will be organized; it will paint a general picture of what is known about the genitive constructions as of now; we aim to develop the most effective approaches to the analysis of these constructions for the future.
- Irina Khomchenkova & Polina Pleshak: Many Mari -ns: what we can get from an old instructive
- Polina Pleshak: Finno-Ugric genitive as a problem for configurational case assignment
- Polina Pleshak: Genitive marking of temporal adverbials in Mordvin and Mari
- Maria Usacheva: Why not ‘my mother’, but ‘the mother of mine’? Genitive in Russian speech of Besermans
- Fedor Golosov: Semantics of some aspectual light verbs in Poshkart Chuvash
- Pavel V. Graschchenkov: Puzzles of Turkiс Genitive Subjects
- Natalia Serdobolskaya: The genitive in Udmurt: looking for a canonical NP
- Jeremy Bradley, Johannes Hirvonen. The LIDIVOKA database
- Christian Pischlöger. The first book in Beserman and its implications
- Svetlana Toldova: Possessive constructions in Permic languages
The following topics were investigated in 2020: semantics and distribution of light verbs tək ‘to scatter’ and lart ‘to place’ in the Poshkart dialect of Chuvash; sentences with factual and propositional sentential actants in Moksha Mordvin and the construction of an indirect question in Chuvash as well as Uralic languages; morphosyntax of noun phrases with partitive meaning in Permic languages and the meaning of possessive suffixes in such groups; strategies for expressing pain in Udmurt through the lens of language genealogy and contact; contexts of use, semantic and syntactic properties of optative and debitive in Hill Mari; cognates of an emphatic particle =OK in the languages of the Volga Region; interpretative properties and syntactic features of focal particles of emphatic identity in the languages of the Volga-Kama Sprachbund (Hill Mari, Meadow Mari, Tatar, Udmurt). Social networks as a source of data for areal and contact studies were a matter of research as well, with a focus on the corpora of languages of the region. Furthermore, a dialectometric study of Udmurt was carried out in order to identify settlements where the local vernacular is characterized by the maximum number of features typical for a particular dialect to optimally plan expeditions which were not possible in 2020 due to the epidemiological situation. Furthermore, a prototype of our typological database was developed and existing research into the languages of the region to be incorporated into it was identified and collected.
Conference presentations:
- Закирова А. Н. 2020. Оптатив и дебитив в горномарийском: употребления в полипредикации и ограничения на подлежащее. Научная конференция "Малые языки в большой лингвистике 2020"
- Arkhangelskiy, Timofey. 2020. Dialectometric study of Udmurt varieties. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Golosov, Fedor. 2020. Event structure of the complex predicates with light verb lart in Poshkart Chuvash. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Golosov, Fedor. 2020. Semantics of the light verb tək ‘to scatter’ in Poshkart Chuvash. The 3rd HSE Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop
- Kozlov, Alexey. 2020. Lexically-conditioned uses of emphatic particle =ok in Hill Mari: a typological approach. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Leontyeva, Anna, and Maria Usacheva. 2020. Conceptualization of pain in Beserman Udmurt: Genesis and Language Contacts. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Morozova, Valeriya, and Natalia Serdobolskaya. 2020. Towards the typology of indirect question markers. X конференция «Типология морфосинтаксических параметров»
- Serdobolskaya, Natalia. 2020. Possessive suffixes in constructions with quantifiers in Permic languages. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Bradley, Jeremy & Johannes Hirvonen. Null subjects and impersonal constructions in Mari. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Bradley, Jeremy & Johannes Hirvonen, Christian Pischlöger. Преподавание и исследование уральских (финно-угорских) языков в Венском университете. International Education Salon, Udmurt State University
- Hirvonen, Johannes & Jeremy Bradley. Negative Concord in Mari. 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Pischlöger, Christian. Are analytic converb constructions a productive category in Udmurt? 5th Workshop on the languages of Volga-Kama Sprachbund
- Hirvonen, Johannes. Nullsubjekte im Marischen. 46. Österreichische Linguistiktagung (ÖLT), 9 December 2021
- Морозова В. А., Сердобольская Н. В. К типологии конструкций косвенного вопроса (тезисы)
- Сердобольская Н. В., Егорова А. Д. (МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова)
Грамматический статус показателей субъектно-объектного согласования в конструкциях с сентенциальными актантами (мокша-мордовский язык) // ACTA LINGUISTICA PETROPOLITANA. Т. 16, ч. 2. СПб, Наука, 2020. https://alp.iling.spb.ru/issues.ru.html - Сердобольская Н. В. Конструкции с посессивными суффиксами и квантификаторами в пермских языках // Томский журнал лингвистических и антропологических исследований (Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology). 2019. Вып. 4 (26). С. 48–66. DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-48-66
- Arkhangelskiy, Timofey. 2020 (to appear). Web Corpora of Volga-Kama Uralic Languages. Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics.
- Bradley, Jeremy & Christian Pischlöger. Converb constructions in the Volga-Kama-Region: Russian loanwords as a metric of productivity. Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 66.
- Morozova, Valeria & Natalia Serdobolskaya. 2020 (to appear). Towards the typology of indirect question markers. In Типология морфосинтаксических параметров. Moscow.
- Pischlöger, Christian. Янгыш! Успех удмуртского языка в интернете с «ошибками» In: Ева Тулуз, Елена Попова, Николай Анисимов (eds). Современная удмуртская культура. Том II. Tallinn: Tallinn University Press.